Se Habla

Se Habla is a worldwide community meeting for an English-Spanish Language Exchage.

It is free to join and make friends all over the world.

On-line Meetings (Mexico City Time):

Monday at 7 pm 

Wednesday at 7 pm

Sunday at 10 am

Time may change in March and November and it depends of the Daylight saving time.

In-person Meetings:

Sunday at 1 pm in Toronto

Se Habla Español
Se Habla Inglés
We Speak Spanish and English

One-Time Donation

Years Online

English-Spanish Exchange

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We’ve been online for over 4 years

Inglés-Español Intercambio

Encuentra un grupo de intercambio de idiomas Inglés-Español

¿Qué Pasa Calabaza?

Se Habla News

Mexico City


New York





Santiago de Chile

Los Angeles


Hi, my name is Hector; I was born and raised in Mexico City, but have also lived in Canada. In June 2020, I started this group with the intention of connecting English and Spanish speakers from Calgary and Mexico City; however, the community has been growing, nowadays there are people joining from all over the world.

Currently, I am organizing a total of 12 MeetUp Groups. 4 in Canada, 4 in the United States, 1 in England, 1 in Colombia, 1 in Chile, and 1 in Mexico.

Don´t hesitate to join us.

Héctor Fuentes


Member Se Habla Nathali Giraldo

Mi nombre es Nathali, soy Colombiana y actualmente vivo en Los Estados Unidos. Estudié economía y mi objetivo es estudiar una maestría en administración. He estado participando de los Meetup del grupo Se Habla Inglés y Español desde el mes de Octubre de 2021, estas reuniones me han ayudado a practicar y mejorar considerablemente mi inglés. En el grupo también he conocido amigos de diferentes lugares del mundo y les he podido respaldar en su práctica y aprendizaje del idioma español.

I am Nathali, I am from Colombia and, currently, I am living in the United States. I studied economics and my objective is to study a Masters in Administration. Since October of 2021 I have been practicing in the Se Habla Inglés y Español Meetup and this group has helped me to practice and considerably improve my English. Also, in the group, I have met friends from different places of the world, and I have supported them on their practice and learning of Spanish.

Nathali Giraldo

Member Se Habla Valeria Mancera

Mi nombre es Valeria y soy mexicana, actualmente resido en la Ciudad de México. Estudié Marketing, actualmente hablo tres idiomas, inglés, francés y español; mi objetivo es especializarme en lingüística y traducción para poder comunicarme mejor entre culturas y empatizar con ellas. Me he descubierto amante de las culturas y de la manera que hoy en día nos relacionamos entre seres humanos. Participo en los Meetup del grupo Se Habla Inglés y Español desde el mes Febrero 2020, participar en las reuniones me ha ayudado a tener más confianza con mi inglés, la mejora ha sido notable. Además, las reuniones no solo me han ayudado a mejorar mi inglés, también he conocido amigos valiosos a los que he podido ayudar y he impulsar a mejorar su idioma español.

My name is Valeria and I am Mexican, currently living in Mexico City. I studied Marketing, I speak three languages, English, French and Spanish; my goal is to specialize in linguistics and translation so that I can better communicate between cultures and empathize with them. Since February 2020 I have been participated in the Meetups of the Se Habla Inglés y Español group, which I have found myself a lover of cultures and the way we relate to each other nowadays. Participating in the meetings has helped me to get more confidence with my English, the improvement has been remarkable.
Also, not only the meetings have helped me to improve my English, I met valuable friends who I have been able to help and have contributed to impulse their Spanish language learning.

Valeria Mancera


No Rules


Our rule is not to have a rule… however, in order to keep good vibes, please check out the following recommendations.

Start talking in English and switch language every 30 minutes.

Don´t speak longer than two minutes.

Avoid conversation between two persons.

Allow to talk more to the learners of the language spoken.

Turn on your camera and microphone once you get in.

Don´t turn off your microphone and camera if it is spoken your mother tongue.

Make everyone participates on the conversations.

Prepare questions to make to everyone, mostly if you are begginer.

Don´t talk about politics or religion.

Don´t ask questions that can make people feel uncomfortable or harmed.

Don´t choose topics coming from some bad news that you just heared.

Talk about the good things in life.

Join one of our Meetup groups or make a donation to receive the Zoom link for our meetings.